Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My Favorite Business and Startup Blogs

I have quite a few interesting blogs set up to my RSS reader (happens to be Newsblur by the way). I thought it might be fun to share some of those related to business and startups. Enjoy the list below!

  • Steve Blank - He is the guy behind the concept of Customer Development. This is one of those things that lead Eric Ries to write his influential book on Lean Startup.
  • Lean Startup Circle - These guys post highly useful "weekly lean startup tweets" type of summaries. There is some other content every once in a while.
  • Chuck Blakeman - The guy has some very valid points on how to grow one's business. Lately he has been going through "industrialist vs. capitalist" kind of discussion. I find this particularly interesting as it highlights well the changes we're going through at the moment.
  • The Startup Toolkit - If you have a startup related problem, this blog is a very good starting point.
  • Business Model Alchemist - Business Model Canvas and all that. Get a better idea on how to design your business.
  • Ash Maurya - Another business model related blog. A bit different approach and canvas, though. Overall worthwhile thoughts.
  • Kevin Dewalt - Great startup advice. For people in established companies too.
  • Gabriel Weinberg - On resonance, traction and all that. He is working on a book about traction by the way.
  • Saint Sal - I haven't figured out why "saint" yet. Anyway, the content is good so perhaps that has something to do with it.
  • 10,000 Startup Hours by David Cummings - Just rediscovered this hidden gem myself. A lot of topics covered seem to resonate quite well.

As a bonus I'll throw you a recently published article "Why the Lean Start-Up Changes Everything" by Steve Blank. It was published in Harvard Business Review and should give a pretty good idea of what the fuzz is about. Interesting times.

In case you think I'm missing some kick ass blog from my reading list, let me know over at comments. I hope you found something interesting in the list.